Effects of Marijuana Use: How Weed Affects Your Mind and Body

Some lights tend to cause more heat problems than others, and we’ll help you find the right lights for your space in Step 2. Growing indoors is much more private than growing outdoors and you also get more control over your grow.

Maintaining Your Cannabis Plants

Keep the soil moist but not wet with properly pH-balanced water. We recommend misting your little seedling with and a spray bottle. If you are working with more than one plant, or more than one strain, don’t forget to label the strain of the seed on the seeding cup. Dry seeds will float when you first place them in water. They will absorb water and sink to the bottom in a few hours. Mix everything together with a spade (and no, this isn’t just a fancy term for shovel) then transfer it to garbage cans with 10 liters of water per can and leave your mix to cook in the sun for 30 days.

Read more about Weed here.

When the plants start receiving less light , the cannabis plant will stop its upward growth and enter the next phase. Non-organic refers to any kind of plant food that has been predigested in a laboratory before it is placed in soil. Organic, by way of contrast, refers to gardening with natural plant nutrients derived or composted from dead leaves, bushes, grass clippings, bat guano, liquid fish, or seaweed. None of the nutrients used in organic growing have ever seen the inside of a lab.

Make sure the seed isn’t so deep that the seedling won’t be able to break through. If soaking your seeds in water-filled containers doesn’t work for you for some reason, there is another option. Place the dry seeds between two layers of damp paper towels and store them in a warm, dark place for about twenty-four hours. Now add 1 kg of bat guano and a new layer of base soil followed by 1 kg thick layers of blood meal and steamed bone meal each with layers of base soil. Repeat the above steps by adding a new layer of carbon, nitrogen, and a thin layer of activator until you have a pile of compost that is at least three feet high and three feet square.

How To Grow Marijuana: The Ultimate Organic Guide

Your plants will be much sturdier at this stage than they were as seedlings and you should pick up your plants to get a feel for their weight. Water them with pH- balanced water when they feel light. Their leaves will droop and they will look limp and lifeless if you have been under-watering them. Growers have experimented with crossbreeding ruderalis and indica plants in an attempt to create strains with shorter growing seasons. Cannabis indica leaves typically grow much shorter and wider than sativa leaves. Cannabis indica will also produce less leaves on the stems when compared to the sativa plant.


It’s important to remain vigilant and to separate and destroy any hermaphroditic plants with female glands and male leaves. These mutants carry the potential to pollinate and ruin your psychoactive sinsemilla. Use auto timer lights to give your plants 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness in order to make the plant think that it is harvest time. The serrated edges of the leaves will begin to curl up if they are exposed to too much natural or artificial light.